Jo Bishop

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Jo has over 20 years’ experience as a learning and development professional, career coach and executive coach. Her aim is to provide practical and professional solutions that enable people to work to their strengths, engage fully with their organizations, and achieve their potential.

In addition to being qualified to post graduate level as a coach, Jo is a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel and Development, holds a post graduate diploma in human resource management and is a member of the National Council of Psychotherapists.

“Jo is an inspiring, warm and professional coach. She combines a passion for her work with solid business experience and a very natural coaching style. She is also a very skilled faciliator reflecting her extensive L&D background. She enables clients to feel supported and in very safe hands, As a colleague I love working with Jo - she is wam and funny, and always brings great ideas to the team.” Sarah Archer FCIPD, Career Coach, Career Tree Coaching